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Hi there! I'm Joan D'Argo

Like you, I've always been a sensitive, empathic type with big bold dreams for myself and the world. I am a Light Warrior and have a successful fifteen-year coaching practice where I’ve guided many to boldly claim this title. But it wasn’t always this way.

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My Story

For much of my life, I was overcome with anxiety and self-doubt, so much so that even though I knew what I had to say was important, I literally couldn't open my mouth. Talk about frustrating! I knew I had a message, gifts to share, and deeply wanted to be of service.


One particularly exasperating occasion was as an international Greenpeace campaigner. I remember sitting in a high-powered strategy session with thirty self-assured leaders from around the world. I knew I had a crucial piece of the puzzle and desperately wanted to share it. In fact, I was the leader of one of the most successful campaigns at the time, but was unable to open my mouth because my fear and anxiety were overwhelming me. If I tried, my heart would beat so fast and my face would turn red. I made a promise to myself to transform my fear and insecurity into confidence and courage  . . . which only began to come true ten years later.


At Greenpeace, my entire world revolved around the mantra of “work, work, work” and the mission to “give, give, give”.  I was learning the hard way. After ten years of this draining routine I left completely exhausted. I couldn’t sustain my own energy much less believe in my ability to contribute to a more harmonious and sustainable world. Cue up the inevitable personal identity crisis. I was left asking “Who am I?”


Something needed to change. In order to own my gifts, I embarked on a healing journey to clear my doubts and insecurities. I released self-limiting beliefs unwittingly handed down to me by parents, society, and past lifetimes. I learned what it meant to believe in and stand in my own light. I became a healer, a coach, and a guiding light for others. So can you!


This journey brought me face to face with an ancient truth that says that to create the changes we want to see externally, we need to first create them internally. Over the years, I learned to live this truth. Owning my light resulted in successful mentoring programs and international online classes that inspire others to do the same. Through summits, conferences, and collaboration with other thought leaders, I am part of a strong global community of spiritual changemakers, inspiring millions of people to collectively rise up to co-create the world we know is our destiny.


I'm now an advanced energy intuitive and have a certification in soul coaching. Public speaking, teaching, and coaching are some of my greatest joys! I’ve been honored to help my clients and students heal by restoring their faith in themselves, finding their purpose, expanding their joy. I especially love helping others to feel confident in the message that's coming through them and freely expressing it.


I am so grateful to live in an 88-acre intentional community in northern Michigan. This land occupies the ancestral land of the Anishinabek known as the three fires confederacy of the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi and recognized by the colonial government as the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians. I share this land with chickens, goats, and nine other families. Together, we placed 45 of those acres in a conservation easement. 


I believe it's no coincidence that you and I are alive during these epic, evolutionary times.We're here for a reason: to help create a world based on compassion, wisdom, justice, joy, and love. In other words, to co-create heaven on Earth by being of service in a way that is fulfilling and brings us the most joy! I look forward to helping you!

You carry wisdom and a unique message
needed now to h
elp co-create a better, brighter world.

Do you know what your message is? I'd love to help you hone it! Schedule a 20-minute Wise Woman Intro Session with me, a preliminary session to help you get crystal clear on your unique wisdom and message. Learn how best to share your gifts during these rapidly changing times. Discover what may be preventing you from freely expressing it. This is a 20-minute intro session to help you discover and hone your unique message/wisdom and how to confidently share it. 

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